Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blog #8 - School

School has really been stressing me out lately, especially biology class. My teacher is extremely hard and refuses to curve any of his tests, even though one person out of the 115 people class got an A on the last test. 43 people got below a 40, and this should definitely tell him something about that either people just are not studying as hard as they should, his tests are too hard, or he does not teach well enough.

He draws pictures on the overhead with no words on them and talks to us as though we already know these things. This class is for non-science majors, so the majority of class does not have science as one of their specialties. I am an Accounting major, which definitely has nothing to do with biology. His lessons do not come from the textbook, so the test becomes simply a guessing game. I am not learning anything from his class, which has definitely been shown through my grades. I think that I am an extremely hardworking student and I am doing well in my other classes and I have not slacked at all in this class.

He says that by him adding more questions on the quizzes, he is giving us more possible points, but when you do not get those questions correct, it is only hurting your grade. I am very frustrated with this class and can not wait until it is over!

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