Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blog #7

Overall, my research has been going pretty good. My topic is Online Education Practices and the main problem I had while researching was trying to find articles on the disadvantages of online learning. Most articles that I could find were on how earning a degree online is a great opportunity for older people who want to go back to college. I have had a lot of success with using the Ebscohost Academic Search Premier feature on the Southern Miss Library website. I had to specifically type in "online education" because if I added the word practices, it would say that no results were found. I also have had success looking up scholarly articles on Google's website. At first, I was pretty apprehensive on whether these articles were good sources, but they were all studies done on people who have taken online courses with a credible bibliography page at the end.

Another problem I had with researching for the proposal argument were telling the difference between whether a source was credible or not. I learned to not use the sites where people would just state their opinion because they were not actual facts, just the way someone felt at that time. I found everything that I was looking for for this essay assignment, so I am not having any problems researching more information

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