Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blog #5

Since I am a Leadership scholar, I am forced to live on campus another year, but I do not think it is going to be all that bad. Hopefully I will get into McCarty, even though I am number 346 on the waiting list. If I get in there, I get my own bathroom and this place is so much newer than Roberts Hall. Since it was just recently built a few years ago, it is way more modern than any other dorm on campus, which makes it feel a lot more like home. There are no blocked walls that make you feel like you are in prison, but rather tan walls you would find in a normal house.

My friend Hailey and I will also be rooming together, which I think will be a lot of fun. We were planning on living in the new dorm for scholarship girls in the Village, but we just found out Wednesday that only the sorority houses will be up and running for Fall. Those rooms would have been even nicer than McCarty with full size beds and a walk in closet, but I guess you can't get everything you want.

Blog #4

I really hate eating at the cafeteria on USM's campus. I always end up eating a turkey or peanut butter sandwich with chips, and that definitely gets old after a while. If I did not eat in the Commons at least once a day though, I would definitely be broke, so that is why I am forced to eat the gross food served there. Not only is the food disgusting to me, but everyone you see after you eat at the Commons knows where you were last because the smell stays with you. This smell is not very pleasant either. Last semester, I ate so much pizza from school that I can not even look at it or stand the smell anymore because it makes me sick to my stomach.

One thing that really annoys me about the school menu is that when they serve something good, like chicken tenders, they never last long or are at a time when I always decide not to go to the Commons for lunch. They are an extremely popular item on the menu and they only serve them about once every other month. What are they thinking?!?! If you know me, you know that I am definitely a chicken tender fanatic and could eat them every day and not complain. Well, I think that is enough complaints about the Commons for today, and thanks for reading if you read through the entire blog!

Blog #3 - MARDI GRAS!

The Mardi Gras holiday was definitely a much needed break from school. I went home to New Orleans and enjoyed a lot of the uptown parades. Saturday, I went to a balcony on Bourbon Street and later watched Endymion, and that was just an experience by itself. Sunday, my friends and I sat on St. Charles Avenue all day long watching the Krewes of Okeansos, Thoth, Mid-City, and Bacchus roll by. In Thoth, I got to see the people from my high school dance team march, who most I had not seen since I graduated. Drew Brees, the quarterback for the Saints was in the Bacchus parade, and he pretty much made my night when he threw me a bead.

Monday, I went with my family uptown to see the Proteus and Orpheus parades, which were a lot of fun as well. Sean Payton, the head coach of the Saints who I think is adorable, was in Orpheus, but he was turned the other way when he passed us. Today, I did not go to any parades because I was too tired from the entire weekend, but it was a great Mardi Gras and definitely shows that the city is coming back to the way it was before the storm.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Blog #2

A problem that I am continuing to have in my paper has to do with the length of quotations. I forgot how to do a block quotation if you have a bunch of sentences, and I need to know how many sentences make up a block quotation. A quote I used in my paper is as follows:

"And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing-eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to" (Carver 387).

Is this quote long enough to be considered a "block quotation"? If it is, how do you do a block quotation in your paper?